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||Chosen Few advierte sobre el booking de Fuego||

New York, NY (21 de Septembre del 2010)- La empresa artistica Chosen Few y la administración de Fuego mantienen un contrato solido que debe cumplirse de parte de la empresa y de Fuego; contrato que sigue en effecto e inforsable. Queremos advertir a promotores y dueños de negocios que no es legalmente correcto contratar los servicios de Fuego para presentaciones, manejamiento u otro negocio artistico que tenga que ver con Fuego sin el consentimiento o manejo de Chosen Few Emerald.
Dale a Leer Mas  Julle Que Esperas..

Bajo terminos legales, les avisamos que cualquier transferencia, acuerdos artisticos, patrocinios o manejamiento sin la aprovacion de Chosen Few Emerald resultara que usted este involucrado en una disputa legal en contra del contratante ligado a los servicios de Fuego.

Evite obtener daños y perjuicios monetarios a su club. como otros daños que podrían ser potencialmente perjudiciales para usted y los clientes de la discoteca. Las personas que ahora mismo rodean a Fuego son peligrosas y hay que cumplir sus exigencias al momento.Estas personas han perjudicado la relacion de Fuego con Boy Wonder y Chosen Few, orientando a Fuego a perder importantes eventos patrocinados, presentaciones en clubes y han estado vendiendo ilegalmente eventos fuera de la juridiccion de Chosen Few.
Reacciones de algunos Promotores:
“Estamos resentidos con el hecho que Fuego no se presento al lanzamiento de su Album. Los fieles seguidores de Fuego estaban preparados esa noche para comprar su disco y con esta accion se sintienron traicionados.”-Valentino (Area 516 Hempstead Long Island)
“La tardanza de Fuego en el evento de Hollywood Fl este pasado Domingo 9-19-10 es una falta de respeto. Estaba supuesto a llegar a las 4pm y se aparecio a las 7:30pm cuando el evento termino a las 7pm. No solo causo un descontento con el public y la prensa, sino tambien con el alcade que tuvo que subir a la tarima para calmar y explicarle al public de la ausencia de Fuego, muy anti professional. -Didier Hernandez (Hollywood, FL Beach Festival)
“La noche del evento que estuvo patrocinado por Heineken en LQ Nightclub de Manhattan fue un total desplante, nunca se presento y causo un total desastre. Inclusive teniamos la transmision en vivo de una emisora anunciando su presencia que nunca se dio. Lamentablemente Fuego esta maltratando su carrera con las decisions equivocadas que esta haciendo.” -BIG Jay Gonzalez C.I.N Productions (NY)
“Acabo de comunicarme con el head marketing de Heineken. La empresa esta muy enojada con el comportamiento de Fuego en no haberse presentadoal evento, Fuego no solamente esta afectando su carrera sino tambien su reputacion, no esta bien.” -Marketing Company

(Solo unas cuantas opiniones de los encargados de patrocinio y promotores de eventos de Fuego en varios lugares donde esta supuesto a presentarse)
Las personas que ahora rodean a Fuego hacien mención a los promotores que el esta bajo una nueva administración; pero al 100% reiteramos “NO ES CIERTO”!! Las malas acciones de Fuego incluyen su ausencia a eventos patrocinados, espectáculos nocturnos y ruedas de prensa, lo que se ha convertido en un fenómeno frecuente departe de el. Esto a provocado perdidas a los promotores y dueños de establecimientos mucho dinero. Fuego se ha comportado cada vez más paranoico y viaja con un grupo de hombres que suma entre 15-20; corriendo usted el riesgo y el peligro de adherirse a las demandas de Fuego. Esto es algo real y que varios promotores han expresado sus quejas al respecto. Las demandas de Fuego incluyen la atencion exclusiva a todos los hombres que lo siguen. Ademas si el promotor no esta deacuerdo en permitir tantas personas en el establecimiento, Fuego entonces se reusa a actuar en el momento del encuentro. Es esta la imagen que espera de un artista en su club.
Ahora usted está tomando la oportunidad de poner en peligro la seguridad de su club y sus clientes poniendolos a todos en peligro. Toda esta situacion tiene disgustados a los patrocinadores del projecto “Fuego La Musica Del Futuro” ya que tambien han tenido que sufrir los engaños y desplantes del artita, causando una desconfianza y possible retiro indefinidamente de sus atribuciones al projecto. Es bastante dificil encontrar patrocinadores para ayudar con el desarrollo de los artistas a través de giras promocionales y dandolos a conocer en las ciudades donde no se han escuchado. Chosen Few & Boy Wonder siempre mantuvieron perseverante su esfuerzo y dedicacion por Fuego y a causa de eso el obtuvo diferentes patrocinios dentro de la empresa. En cambio Fuego siente que en vez de continuar la comercialización a sí mismo bajo Chosen Few para consagrarse, este prefiere que se le pague una indemnisacion por revelarse contra de Chosen Few y tirar por la borda toda la inversion a su carrera.
  1. Thursday September 23rd Album release tour Contract Miami
  2. Friday September 24th Album release tour Miami
  3. Saturday September 25th Album release tour Miami
  4. Friday October 1st Album release tour Miami
  5. Saturday October 2nd Album release tour Miami
  6. Friday October 8th Upstate NY Album release tour
  7. Saturday October 9th Upstate NY Album release tour
  8. Friday October 15th Albany NY Album release tour
  9. Friday October 22nd San Francisco Album release tour
  10. Saturday October 23rd Canada Album release tour
  11. Saturday November 2nd New Orleans Album release tour
  12. Saturday November 13th New Orleans Album release tour

New York, NY – (September 21, 2010) –Chosen Few and Fuego’s management have a legally binding, fully enforceable contract with Fuego, which is in Good Standing. Fuego, is and continues to be signed to Chosen Few and its management company AND THE CONTRACT IS IN PLACE AND FULLY INFORCEABLE. THERE ARE LEGAL PRECEDURES TAKING PLACE AND ANYONE INTERFERING WITH THAT INCLUDING PROMOTERS TRYING TO BOOK FUEGO THROUGH UNAUTHORIZED AGENTS, CONSULTANTS, AND OR MANAGERS WILL HAVE LEGAL ACTION TAKING AGAINST THEM AND DELT WITH ACCORDINGLY.
By booking Fuego, this will get you involved in an ongoing legal dispute, and lawsuit which will cause yourself/club monetary damages. The other damages that could be potentially harmful to yourself and patrons of the nightclub are the dangerous people Fuego is now surrounding himself around and his demands. They have tried to strong arm Boy Wonder and Chosen Few, by guiding Fuego, to miss important sponsored events, contracted club shows, and have been going against the contract Chosen Few holds with Fuego, by telling promoters, that Fuego is under new management. THIS IS 100% NOT TRUE!!!
“Fuego not showing up for his own album release party was horrible. Fuego’s true Long Island fans were ready to buy his album that night instead they felt betrayed.”

-Valentino (Area 516 Hempstead Long Island)
“Fuego’s failure to show up on time for the event this past Sunday 9-19-10. His performance time was at 4pm. He arrived at 7:15pm when the event was over at 7pm. Very unprofessional. The mayor was booed off the stage when he announced that Fuego was not performing and HE WAS PISSED!! Really letting his fans down!”

-Didier Hernandez (Hollywood, FL Beach Festival)

“The night of the event Fuego was a no show for a show the show I booked with Heineken at LQ Nightclub in Manhattan and was very devastating for the patrons of the club and for the radio station that was broadcasting live. When my people had to come on stage and say Fuego wasn’t performing the crowd was visibly upset. Not a good look.”

-BIG Jay Gonzalez C.I.N Productions (NY)
“I just got off the phone with the head of marketing at Heineken. They are extremely upset over the no show. Fuego has not only harmed himself but has harmed his reputation. Not good.”

-Marketing Company
(Just some of the recent events Fuego was a no show after lying to the promoters and saying he would be there.)
Fuego’s most recent antics include missing sponsored event, night club shows, and press dates, which has become a frequent occurrence. Costing promoters and marketing company’s lots of money. Fuego has become increasingly paranoid and travels with an entourage of between 15-20 men. Running the risk and danger of adhering to Fuego’s demands is something that is real and promoters have already been experiencing. The demands include bringing into the club an entourage of up to 20 all men crew, who are not allowed to be searched, as per Fuego. If the promoter disagrees, and asks to search these men, Fuego has said he will not perform.

We are also very perplexed by the actions of Fuego and his new people. We have waited a long time to make a statement because we feel that we have been like a family and we didn’t want to air our business out to the world. Fuego has made it clear that he wants to air out our problems and tell his side, it is only right that we tell our side of what is really going on. This will serve as an official Chosen Few press release and more important information to follow in the coming weeks. We are a well respected company and will not go back and forth. Below you will read FACT, not speculation this is what it is.

  1. Thursday September 23rd Album release tour Contract Miami
  2. Friday September 24th Album release tour Miami
  3. Saturday September 25th Album release tour Miami
  4. Friday October 1
New York, NY (21 de Septembre del 2010)- La empresa artistica Chosen Few y la administración de Fuego mantienen un contrato solido que debe cumplirse de parte de la empresa y de Fuego; contrato que sigue en effecto e inforsable. Queremos advertir a promotores y dueños de negocios que no es legalmente correcto contratar los servicios de Fuego para presentaciones, manejamiento u otro negocio artistico que tenga que ver con Fuego sin el consentimiento o manejo de Chosen Few Emerald.

Bajo terminos legales, les avisamos que cualquier transferencia, acuerdos artisticos, patrocinios o manejamiento sin la aprovacion de Chosen Few Emerald resultara que usted este involucrado en una disputa legal en contra del contratante ligado a los servicios de Fuego.

Evite obtener daños y perjuicios monetarios a su club. como otros daños que podrían ser potencialmente perjudiciales para usted y los clientes de la discoteca. Las personas que ahora mismo rodean a Fuego son peligrosas y hay que cumplir sus exigencias al momento.Estas personas han perjudicado la relacion de Fuego con Boy Wonder y Chosen Few, orientando a Fuego a perder importantes eventos patrocinados, presentaciones en clubes y han estado vendiendo ilegalmente eventos fuera de la juridiccion de Chosen Few.

Reacciones de algunos Promotores:
“Estamos resentidos con el hecho que Fuego no se presento al lanzamiento de su Album. Los fieles seguidores de Fuego estaban preparados esa noche para comprar su disco y con esta accion se sintienron traicionados.”-Valentino (Area 516 Hempstead Long Island)
“La tardanza de Fuego en el evento de Hollywood Fl este pasado Domingo 9-19-10 es una falta de respeto. Estaba supuesto a llegar a las 4pm y se aparecio a las 7:30pm cuando el evento termino a las 7pm. No solo causo un descontento con el public y la prensa, sino tambien con el alcade que tuvo que subir a la tarima para calmar y explicarle al public de la ausencia de Fuego, muy anti professional. -Didier Hernandez (Hollywood, FL Beach Festival)
“La noche del evento que estuvo patrocinado por Heineken en LQ Nightclub de Manhattan fue un total desplante, nunca se presento y causo un total desastre. Inclusive teniamos la transmision en vivo de una emisora anunciando su presencia que nunca se dio. Lamentablemente Fuego esta maltratando su carrera con las decisions equivocadas que esta haciendo.” -BIG Jay Gonzalez C.I.N Productions (NY)
“Acabo de comunicarme con el head marketing de Heineken. La empresa esta muy enojada con el comportamiento de Fuego en no haberse presentadoal evento, Fuego no solamente esta afectando su carrera sino tambien su reputacion, no esta bien.” -Marketing Company
(Solo unas cuantas opiniones de los encargados de patrocinio y promotores de eventos de Fuego en varios lugares donde esta supuesto a presentarse)
Las personas que ahora rodean a Fuego hacien mención a los promotores que el esta bajo una nueva administración; pero al 100% reiteramos “NO ES CIERTO”!! Las malas acciones de Fuego incluyen su ausencia a eventos patrocinados, espectáculos nocturnos y ruedas de prensa, lo que se ha convertido en un fenómeno frecuente departe de el. Esto a provocado perdidas a los promotores y dueños de establecimientos mucho dinero. Fuego se ha comportado cada vez más paranoico y viaja con un grupo de hombres que suma entre 15-20; corriendo usted el riesgo y el peligro de adherirse a las demandas de Fuego. Esto es algo real y que varios promotores han expresado sus quejas al respecto. Las demandas de Fuego incluyen la atencion exclusiva a todos los hombres que lo siguen. Ademas si el promotor no esta deacuerdo en permitir tantas personas en el establecimiento, Fuego entonces se reusa a actuar en el momento del encuentro. Es esta la imagen que espera de un artista en su club.
Ahora usted está tomando la oportunidad de poner en peligro la seguridad de su club y sus clientes poniendolos a todos en peligro. Toda esta situacion tiene disgustados a los patrocinadores del projecto “Fuego La Musica Del Futuro” ya que tambien han tenido que sufrir los engaños y desplantes del artita, causando una desconfianza y possible retiro indefinidamente de sus atribuciones al projecto. Es bastante dificil encontrar patrocinadores para ayudar con el desarrollo de los artistas a través de giras promocionales y dandolos a conocer en las ciudades donde no se han escuchado. Chosen Few & Boy Wonder siempre mantuvieron perseverante su esfuerzo y dedicacion por Fuego y a causa de eso el obtuvo diferentes patrocinios dentro de la empresa. En cambio Fuego siente que en vez de continuar la comercialización a sí mismo bajo Chosen Few para consagrarse, este prefiere que se le pague una indemnisacion por revelarse contra de Chosen Few y tirar por la borda toda la inversion a su carrera.

  1. Thursday September 23rd Album release tour Contract Miami
  2. Friday September 24th Album release tour Miami
  3. Saturday September 25th Album release tour Miami
  4. Friday October 1st Album release tour Miami
  5. Saturday October 2nd Album release tour Miami
  6. Friday October 8th Upstate NY Album release tour
  7. Saturday October 9th Upstate NY Album release tour
  8. Friday October 15th Albany NY Album release tour
  9. Friday October 22nd San Francisco Album release tour
  10. Saturday October 23rd Canada Album release tour
  11. Saturday November 2nd New Orleans Album release tour
  12. Saturday November 13th New Orleans Album release tour

New York, NY – (September 21, 2010) –Chosen Few and Fuego’s management have a legally binding, fully enforceable contract with Fuego, which is in Good Standing. Fuego, is and continues to be signed to Chosen Few and its management company AND THE CONTRACT IS IN PLACE AND FULLY INFORCEABLE. THERE ARE LEGAL PRECEDURES TAKING PLACE AND ANYONE INTERFERING WITH THAT INCLUDING PROMOTERS TRYING TO BOOK FUEGO THROUGH UNAUTHORIZED AGENTS, CONSULTANTS, AND OR MANAGERS WILL HAVE LEGAL ACTION TAKING AGAINST THEM AND DELT WITH ACCORDINGLY.
By booking Fuego, this will get you involved in an ongoing legal dispute, and lawsuit which will cause yourself/club monetary damages. The other damages that could be potentially harmful to yourself and patrons of the nightclub are the dangerous people Fuego is now surrounding himself around and his demands. They have tried to strong arm Boy Wonder and Chosen Few, by guiding Fuego, to miss important sponsored events, contracted club shows, and have been going against the contract Chosen Few holds with Fuego, by telling promoters, that Fuego is under new management. THIS IS 100% NOT TRUE!!!

“Fuego not showing up for his own album release party was horrible. Fuego’s true Long Island fans were ready to buy his album that night instead they felt betrayed.”

-Valentino (Area 516 Hempstead Long Island)
“Fuego’s failure to show up on time for the event this past Sunday 9-19-10. His performance time was at 4pm. He arrived at 7:15pm when the event was over at 7pm. Very unprofessional. The mayor was booed off the stage when he announced that Fuego was not performing and HE WAS PISSED!! Really letting his fans down!”

-Didier Hernandez (Hollywood, FL Beach Festival)
“The night of the event Fuego was a no show for a show the show I booked with Heineken at LQ Nightclub in Manhattan and was very devastating for the patrons of the club and for the radio station that was broadcasting live. When my people had to come on stage and say Fuego wasn’t performing the crowd was visibly upset. Not a good look.”

-BIG Jay Gonzalez C.I.N Productions (NY)
“I just got off the phone with the head of marketing at Heineken. They are extremely upset over the no show. Fuego has not only harmed himself but has harmed his reputation. Not good.”

-Marketing Company

(Just some of the recent events Fuego was a no show after lying to the promoters and saying he would be there.)
Fuego’s most recent antics include missing sponsored event, night club shows, and press dates, which has become a frequent occurrence. Costing promoters and marketing company’s lots of money. Fuego has become increasingly paranoid and travels with an entourage of between 15-20 men. Running the risk and danger of adhering to Fuego’s demands is something that is real and promoters have already been experiencing. The demands include bringing into the club an entourage of up to 20 all men crew, who are not allowed to be searched, as per Fuego. If the promoter disagrees, and asks to search these men, Fuego has said he will not perform.

We are also very perplexed by the actions of Fuego and his new people. We have waited a long time to make a statement because we feel that we have been like a family and we didn’t want to air our business out to the world. Fuego has made it clear that he wants to air out our problems and tell his side, it is only right that we tell our side of what is really going on. This will serve as an official Chosen Few press release and more important information to follow in the coming weeks. We are a well respected company and will not go back and forth. Below you will read FACT, not speculation this is what it is.
  1. Thursday September 23rd Album release tour Contract Miami
  2. Friday September 24th Album release tour Miami
  3. Saturday September 25th Album release tour Miami
  4. Friday October 1st Album release tour Miami
  5. Saturday October 2nd Album release tour Miami
  6. Friday October 8th Upstate NY Album release tour
  7. Saturday October 9th Upstate NY Album release tour
  8. Friday October 15th Albany NY Album release tour
  9. Friday October 22nd San Francisco Album release tour
  10. Saturday October 23rd Canada Album release tour
  11. Saturday November 2nd New Orleans Album release tour
  12. Saturday November 13th New Orleans Album release tour

  1. st Album release tour Miami
  2. Saturday October 2nd Album release tour Miami
  3. Friday October 8th Upstate NY Album release tour
  4. Saturday October 9th Upstate NY Album release tour
  5. Friday October 15th Albany NY Album release tour
  6. Friday October 22nd San Francisco Album release tour
  7. Saturday October 23rd Canada Album release tour
  8. Saturday November 2nd New Orleans Album release tour
  9. Saturday November 13th New Orleans Album release tour
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